If you have outstanding tax debt, we can help. We’ll work to save you money while resolving your debt with the IRS.

woman getting a tax consultationHas the IRS sent notice that they will begin the process of collecting back taxes? Are you unsure how to proceed or how to communicate with them throughout this process? Do you worry that paying back taxes will put you in an uncomfortable financial situation? If any of these are the case, reach out to Solvent Tax Relief for tax consultation services today.

Our team of tax professionals can help you get through these collection processes quickly. We’ll work to save you money as well as get you out from under the burden of tax debt.

Contact Solvent Tax Relief at 800.985.9426 to learn more about how our tax consultation services can help you.

What Are Tax Consultation Services?

Tax consultation services simply involve receiving expert advice and guidance from tax professionals. This guidance can help you get through IRS collection processes quickly as well as save you money.

A tax consultation can not only help you with tax debt issues, but they can help you prepare taxes correctly as well. Incorrectly prepared taxes are an issue that can later result in an audit or cause you to pay more than necessary. However, with the help of our tax relief services, you can feel confident that you are submitting everything correctly.

Do You Need a Tax Consultation?

Dealing with the IRS can be complicated. Many individuals benefit from the advice of tax professionals at some point in their lives, whether for personal taxes or business taxes. If you’re not sure whether a tax consultation can help you, consider the following questions:

  • Have you received notice that you are being audited? If, so a tax professional can represent you and deal with the IRS on your behalf.
  • Do you owe back taxes? Tax consultants can negotiate to help you resolve your tax debt.
  • Do you have unfiled tax returns? A tax consultant can file these correctly and help you avoid penalties.
  • Is the IRS beginning collections processes, such as placing a lien on your house or a garnishment on your wages? Reach out to a tax consultant to put a hold on these processes.

If you can answer “yes” to any of the above, reach out to a tax professional today. Contact Solvent Tax Relief at 800.985.9426 if you are in need of tax consultation services or need help dealing with the IRS.

How Tax Consultation Services Can Help

During your first phone call with Solvent Tax Relief, you’ll find that you’re speaking with tax specialists. Helping others resolve their tax issues is all we do, and we are experts in dealing with the IRS for our clients. Getting a tax consultation before attempting to negotiate with the IRS can help you save money and get you one step closer to resolving your tax debt.

You can also feel confident with our tax professionals on your side. Since we deal with the IRS often, we understand what to say and when to say it. We’ll file all necessary information on time, we’ll explore all potential options for resolving your tax issues, and we’ll do all we can to help you achieve peace of mind through tax resolution services.

Reach Out to Solvent Tax Relief

To learn more about how we can help you with your individual situation, contact Solvent Tax Relief today. Our team of tax professionals offers tax consultation services to give you peace of mind. Through our tax consultation services, you’ll find help with the following:

  • Removing liens and levies on your accounts and assets
  • Preventing the seizure of assets
  • Stopping wage garnishment
  • Setting up installment plans
  • Negotiating offers-in-compromise
  • Help with tax preparation
  • Filing overdue tax returns
  • Representation before IRS auditors and revenue officers

Learn more about our tax consultation services by contacting Solvent Tax Relief at 800.985.9426 today.