If you have outstanding tax debt, we can help. We’ll work to save you money while resolving your debt with the IRS.

couple getting tax relief servicesAt Solvent Tax Relief, we work to find the best outcome for clients who are struggling with tax debt, unfiled tax returns, audits, and other tax issues. No matter how big or small your tax dilemma is, Solvent Tax Relief can help. From your initial phone call, we’ll work to understand your unique situation and explore every possible solution. Our goal is to settle your tax issues and help you find relief from the burden of dealing with the IRS.

To learn more about our tax relief services, contact Solvent Tax Relief at 800-981-2231. We’ll help you get back on track.

Do You Need Tax Relief Services?

Has the IRS placed a garnishment on your wages or a lien on your house? Is your tax debt more than you can possibly pay? Are you facing economic hardship? If any of these apply to you, reach out for tax relief services from a tax professional. While these problems can seem intimidating, our team of professionals knows how to handle the IRS and will fight to find the best solution for your situation. Even if the IRS is not yet using these aggressive taxes, if you simply have a tax dilemma that you’re not sure how to handle, we can help.

Services We Offer

At Solvent Tax Relief, we’ll explore all options to determine which strategy will lead to the best outcome for your situation. No matter how much you owe, our goal is to settle your tax debt quickly so that you can live without the burden of tax debt. And if possible, we’ll help you settle your tax debt for less than you originally owed. Our tax relief services include the following:

Tax Resolution Services

Has the IRS notified you that you owe money? If you owe back taxes or the IRS has placed a lien on your home or a garnishment on your wages, our tax professionals can help. We’ll take immediate action to stop the IRS from freezing your bank account and will deal with the IRS on your behalf to reach the best possible outcome.

Audit Representation

If you’ve received notice that you are being audited, reach out to Solvent Tax Relief. Our tax professionals can represent you throughout the audit process and deal with the IRS on your behalf. By putting your audit in the hands of our experienced team, you’ll be able to resolve any issues quickly. We’ll ensure that the IRS gets the information they need and will work to save you money.

Tax Consultation Services

Our tax resolution team will carefully research and investigate every aspect of your tax situation. We are experts in negotiating with the IRS, and from your first consultation, you’ll feel confident in our abilities. From filing taxes to representing you during audits, our team will ensure that you’re getting the best possible outcome.

Tax Preparation Services

While some taxpayers choose to file tax returns on their own, if you are facing a tax dilemma, you may choose to have a tax professional file your return for you. We can help with preparing current or past tax returns. Our professionals will help you get the refund you deserve and settle any past tax issues.

Tax Settlement Services

Through our tax settlement services, you can negotiate with the IRS to pay less than you originally owed while still resolving your debt. In other words, you can save money while closing out your tax issues. We can determine whether you are eligible for a tax settlement or if another solution, such as monthly installments, might be more feasible.

Tax Negotiation Services

When dealing with the IRS, it’s important to provide the right paperwork in the right time frame. With our tax professionals on your side, you can feel confident that you are exploring all of your options and filing the correct information. We’ll negotiate with the IRS on your behalf to help you reach the best settlement.

Offer in Compromise

For those whose combined assets and income are less than their tax debt or for whom paying off their debt would create economic hardship, an offer in compromise might be an option. Our tax professionals can make an offer to the IRS for you to pay less than the original debt. If they agree, once you pay the agreed-upon amount, your tax debt is settled.

Currently Not Collectible

If you are experiencing financial hardship or another situation which is preventing you from making tax payments, you may be eligible for Currently Non-Collectible status. With this status, the IRS will place a hold on collecting payments until you are in a position to resume making them.

Contact Solvent Tax Relief Today

Learn more about our tax relief services by contacting our team today. Begin your journey to freedom from tax debt by calling Solvent Tax Relief at 800-981-2231.