If you have outstanding tax debt, we can help. We’ll work to save you money while resolving your debt with the IRS.

If you are a business owner, paying payroll taxes can seem like one of the most complicated parts of successfully running your business. Even if you do your best to pay these taxes accurately and on time, it’s common for small business owners to encounter payroll tax issues at some point. The IRS can be even more difficult to deal with when it comes to payroll tax issues than individual taxes. Whether you owe taxes to the IRS, have not withheld income tax from employee wages, or have paid your payroll taxes late, you might need help from a tax professional to sort out your issues.

At Solvent Tax Relief, we provide payroll tax debt relief services. No matter what issues your business is facing with payroll taxes, our team can help. We are experienced in helping business owners find relief from tax issues.

Contact Solvent Tax Relief at 800.985.9426 to learn more. 

What Are Payroll Tax Issues? 

woman getting help with payroll tax issuesFor individuals, dealing with the IRS can be challenging if they owe back taxes. The IRS might place a lien or levy on their bank account, garnish their wages, or implement other aggressive collection actions. However, for a business owner, the IRS’s tactics can be even more aggressive.

If you owe past due payroll taxes, the IRS is likely to impose significant penalties on this tax debt. However, by requesting penalty abatement, you may be able to have these penalties removed. 

No business owner wants to have a payroll tax issue. However, there are few situations in which they might find themselves in trouble:

  • They have held funds in trust for the IRS but have been forced to use them to pay employees
  • They have failed to withhold federal income tax, Social Security, or Medicare taxes from employee wages
  • They have made payroll tax deposits or payments later than the due date
  • They did not issue IRS form 1099s to independent contractors or outside businesses

Payroll Tax Debt Relief 

Don’t hesitate to reach out for help if you are facing payroll tax issues. Because the IRS can be so aggressive when it comes to going after business tax debt, you might be putting your business at risk. The IRS will seize any assets they can to satisfy the debt even if your business is closed.

At Solvent Tax Relief, we can help with quickly and effectively resolving payroll tax issues and tax relief services. Our tax professionals are experienced in helping businesses avoid making costly mistakes. And in addition to helping resolve payroll tax issues, our tax professionals can help you in preparing your business taxes. We’ll make sure that you are in good standing with the IRS so that your business is not at risk. 

If you attempt to deal with the IRS without professional guidance, you could end up in an even more difficult situation. In order to be confident about the steps you take to resolve payroll tax issues, reach out to our team today. 

Contact Solvent Tax Relief

You’ll find peace of mind by working with the professionals at Solvent Tax Relief. Our payroll tax specialists can work to remove interest and penalties from your tax debt and will get you back to where you need to be. 

In addition to payroll tax debt relief, we offer the following tax services:

If you’re ready to find relief from payroll tax debt, contact us today. We’ll assist you in getting back into good standing and continuing to do what you love. You can reach out to our team at 800.985.9426 today.