If you have outstanding tax debt, we can help. We’ll work to save you money while resolving your debt with the IRS.

All taxpayers have the opportunity to appeal decisions made by the IRS. These appeals can take the form of either a collections appeal process or collections due process hearing. While a collections appeal hearing allows taxpayers to appeal collection actions made by the IRS, a collections due process hearing can dispute the results of an IRS assessment. For example, after an audit, the IRS may make an assessment that you owe back taxes to the IRS. However, through an administrative appeal, you can have this assessment reviewed. 

If you are facing collection actions from the IRS and you would like to either stop the collection action or want to have the underlying tax liability reviewed, reach out to Solvent Tax Relief today. Our tax professionals can help you prepare all of the information that you will need to make an administrative appeal. Contact us at 800.985.9426 to get started.

What Is an Administrative Appeal?

tax professional helping with administrative appealThe IRS has made several avenues for taxpayers to appeal their decisions. While you can go to tax court to present your case, the administrative appeal process can be simpler as well as faster. 

During an administrative appeal, you can dispute a number of decisions made by the IRS. These include the following:

  • Collection actions
  • Termination of an installment agreement 
  • Modification of an installment agreement
  • Economic hardship claims
  • Lien subordination
  • Innocent spouse defense claims
  • Assessments made after audits

Your best chance of a positive outcome is by enlisting the help of a tax professional for tax relief services. You may have to file a request for your auditor’s file if you are disputing the results of an audit. You also will want to be sure that everything in your settlement is correct before signing. Once you sign, you are no longer allowed to further appeal the decision or go to tax court.

Administrative Appeal Procedures

What steps will you need to take if you want to make an administrative appeal? Once you have decided to make an appeal and have contacted Solvent Tax Relief for help, you’ll need to gather some information. This can include contact information, a description of all of the items with which you disagree, information about why you disagree and support for your claims, and your signature. In order to put together the best case for your appeal, your tax professional will look into laws that can support your case. 

The collections appeal process is faster than a collections due process hearing. However, a collections appeal can only dispute items like levies or liens. It cannot dispute the underlying tax liability or tax debt.

During your hearing, your tax professional will be able to make a case for you in front of the IRS. In many cases, an administrative appeal is worth the effort. It may immediately stop collection actions, reduce the penalties that you have to pay, and even reduce your tax liability. 

Contact Solvent Tax Relief Today for Administrative Appeal Help 

Whether you have recently gone through an audit, are facing collection actions, or believe that the IRS has made an incorrect assessment of your tax liability, reach out to Solvent Tax Relief. Our team is experienced in helping clients achieve the best possible outcome for their tax debt situation. We’ll explore every potential method of reducing your tax bill and can help to stop collection actions before they cause financial hardship to your family. In addition to helping with administrative tax appeals, Solvent Tax Relief can assist with all the following:

Reach out to our team at 800.985.9426 today to learn more about your rights to make an administrative appeal.