If you have outstanding tax debt, we can help. We’ll work to save you money while resolving your debt with the IRS.

If the IRS is calling, you might feel anxious–you want the best outcome, but it can be difficult to know how to reach it. Whether you have unresolved tax debt, the IRS has placed a garnishment on your paycheck, or you are being audited, handling these issues can be complicated. To get the best outcome for your situation, Solvent Tax Relief’s professionals can deal with the IRS for you. Our team of tax attorneys and licensed professionals will respond to correspondence, appeal penalties, and represent you in interviews with IRS agents.

Learn more about the best strategies for dealing with the IRS by reaching out to Solvent Tax Relief for help today. Contact us at 800-981-2231 to get started.

What Not to Do When Dealing with the IRS

First, if you receive correspondence from the IRS, make sure you open it. Ignoring this letter could result in unnecessary penalties, especially if you let too much time go by. Also, if you have not filed a tax return for several years, the IRS might file a return on your behalf. This return will not take into account any deductions or dependents, and you will likely end up paying more than you would have if you filed your own return.

Next, don’t hesitate to contact a professional to deal with the IRS on your behalf. This does not indicate to the IRS that you have done something wrong. Instead, this indicates that you are taking their requests seriously and want to ensure that you are filing the right information.

Finally, if the IRS determines that you need to pay a penalty or a late fee, don’t assume that this is final. These decisions can be appealed, and with the help of a tax professional, you can find a better outcome for your situation.

How to Handle a Letter or Call from the IRS

If you’ve received a letter from the IRS, there are a few steps to take. Follow the steps below to ensure the best possible solution for your tax issues:

  • Respond promptly – You can request more time to submit forms and information to the IRS
  • Be patient and non-confrontational – Try not to complain to the IRS agent you are working with, as they hold all the power
  • Let the IRS know if you move – They need to be able to get in touch with you
  • Contact a tax professional – Solvent Tax Relief’s team of professionals can deal with the IRS for you and settle your tax debt or audit as quickly as possible

woman wondering how to deal with the IRS

Solvent Tax Relief Will Deal with the IRS for You

Our tax attorneys and other licensed professionals can talk to the IRS for you. We can file past tax returns, go through the auditing process on your behalf, and appeal the IRS’s decisions. During a consultation, we’ll work to understand your specific situation and develop a strategy. Our goal is for our clients to achieve the best outcome, resolving their tax debt quickly.

Reach Out to Solvent Tax Relief Today

Contact Solvent Tax Relief for an initial consultation. If you have received notice that you are being audited or you owe back taxes, we can help. Our tax professionals will research your situation, develop a strategy, and negotiate with the IRS on your behalf to reach the best possible outcome. You could even end up paying less than you originally owed. Our tax relief services include the following:

Reach out to our team at 800-981-2231 to schedule a consultation and begin your journey to a fresh start. Don’t let tax debt hold you back any longer.